Here is the mono-god list I am planning with the new book. It'll have a little trouble with armour, but I think it will be a lot of fun.
Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut, Unholy Might 120
Herald of Khorne on Juggernaut, Unholy Might 120
3*Bloodcrushers with Icon 145
3*Bloodcrushers with Icon 145
15*Bloodletters with Icon 265
15*Bloodletters with Icon 265
15*Bloodletters with Icon 265
15*Bloodletters with Icon 265
Fast Attack
6*Flesh Hounds 90
Heavy Support
Souldgrinder w/ Tongue 160
Souldgrinder w/ Tongue 160

You know what I think about the troops hehe. I think it should be 3 squads of 20 a piece, just to allow more survival and to take away kill points. It also allows you to take the special character in the flesh hound squad. In a lot of ways this is how I am looking at my future Daemon army.
4 squads of 15 is the way to go.
where did you find that picture of the bloodletters coming out of the warp!? that picture is anchient!
I'm getting my old khorne demons on the table again too (check my blog for the first disastrous game with them), and I'm pretty interested that your list is also a bloodletter horde as well. Currently I've got 48 in 6 squads of 8, 4 with heralds, which really didn't work for me too well. Looking at your list I'm thinking about trying out 4 squads of 12 for survivability. Also means each squad has a herald, which is symmetrically pleasing and all that.
- Salvage
Another thing from me, are you sure about tongue on the grinders? 1 S10 AP1 shot that hits on 4+, and the harvester guns go wasted? With the new barrage rules I'm of the opinion that phlegm is far better to utilizing the beast, that battle cannon shot is going to go somewhere on the table and the harvester guns can follow it up and do something useful (assuming you shot the template at marines or other infantry).
The tongue I can see taking desperation shots at tanks with or blasting something that you intend to assault as well, but if you're taking them for reliable anti-tank I dunno. Maybe in a pair they work, it's the BS3 that kills it for me.
- Salvage
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