Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ancient Viridian, Master of the Depths

Quintus Viridian was Captain of the Lamenters 7th Company from 576-603.M39. He was gravely injured by an Eldar Aspect warrior on the world of Karamet, and was interned in the Dreadnought 'Malfeasance', an unfortunately named machine. Viridian goes to battle armed with a Mk IV 'Heavenshard' Fragmentation Cannon, which is in reality is simply a missle launcher loaded with glass cylinders. It was a miracle he survived the Badab War, as during the rebellion he became one of Huron's closest advisers. It was later ruled that Viridian had secretly been trying to undermine Huron the entire time. So it is, that two millenia later, Ancient Viridian still battles the foes of the Emporer.


Zenos said...

Your Fluff is good and I like the theme of the dread with the frag cannon. I have not had much luck with them though. How are you finding them tactically? (frag cannons)

Aventine said...

If your opponent uses any non-meched unit, that guy will kill it by sheer number of wounds (3 templates ftw)

Dingareth said...

It's well painted, but I just don't like the Missile Launcher- I mean "Frag Cannon."

A little bit of conversion effort would have made it a lot better.

Wulfy said...

He looks bad-ass. I like the fluff too, its nicely ambiguous as to his motives.

Anonymous said...

where are the rules for "frag cannons"

Aventine said...

Codex: Blood Angels

Anonymous said...

Where do the "face" comes from? A defiler head maybe? Very nice by the way!!!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe you dremmeled and converted a gorgeous Forge World Khornate Dreadnaught! I do not know whether to applaud you or damn you.

Anonymous said...

Its a Iron Warriors dread