This army is my much reviled tournament army, and I've done pretty well with it, winning vast amounts of prize support to build my other armies. They're the workhorse that fuels this ship I call a hobby, but I also really love them. I got quite a bit of flak on my other blog, Bell of Lost Souls, for posting up a Tactica on Mech Eldar. Maybe some forms of the army are an autopilot win, but I really feel I've built mine so that some thought goes into it. But maybe I'm just in denial... here is the armylist as it stands...
Farseer Agwe: /w Doom, Mind War, a Spirit Stone, Jetbike, Runes of Warding 165
Farseer Oaxaska: /w Doom, Mind War, a Spirit Stone, Warp Jump Generator(Jetbike) 150
The Flaming Shroud Temple, Fire Dragons*6 w/ Exarch, Crack Shot 113
The Burning Light Temple, Fire Dragons*6 w/ Exarch, Crack Shot 113
The Midnight Dancers, Harlequins*5, Kisses, Troupe Leader w/ Power Weapon 126
The Shattered Shuriken Temple,
Dire Avengers*10: /w exarch, /w duel avenger catapults, and bladestorm: 152
in Waveserpent: /w scatterlasers, shuriken cannon, spirit stone 135
Dire Avengers*10: /w exarch, /w duel avenger catapults, and bladestorm: 152
in Waveserpent: /w shuriken cannons, shuriken cannon, spirit stone 120
The Wanderers, Pathfinders*6 144
Darkfall,Falcon: /w Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holofield, Spirit Stone, Vectored Engines 205
Windfall,Falcon: /w Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holofield, Spirit Stone, Star + Vectored Engines 220
Lightfall,Falcon: /w Scatter Laser, Shuriken Cannon, Holofield, Spirit Stone, Vectored Engines 205

I really like your paint job on this army, and it really is pretty diverse - you've just picked out all the best units from the list and taken several of each. While I definitely empathize with your opponents' frustration, isn't that process one of the major goals of the game? It's not like you went and bought a fully painted army just because you wanted to powergame. I might give you a little shit from time to time but people really bitch about it way too much.
Oh and just a tip, you might think about disabling the word verification for comments - I've not had one spam comment left yet without it.
just popping in to check out your army.. awesome paint job.
being an eldar player myself, i was wondering how you handle stuff like land raiders with for instance assault marines in.. you seldom want them to advance up in your face unhindered, and this army has no brightlances.
do you just fire every falcon in the army and hope for the best?
thanks for a good weblog :)
Thats what the double dragon units are for. If the enemy has a vehicle in excess of 200 points (such as a Land Raider) I will set up the Dragons in direct opposition to them and just straight blitz them. Hopefully the LR is dead turn two and its occupants are legging it...
As a side note, this army doesn't really have a face to advance into...
I know this is an old post, but I was surfing and ran across it.
It's simply beautiful. I love your color choices and the decisions you made.
Really nice.
Wow, if you substituted your blue for my burgundy we would have nearly the same paint scheme and army.
Such a good painter
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