WAR Games Con was here in Austin, Texas and, like I posted last, I decided to break out my old Craftworld Eldar. You can see the list I played here. I only got one picture of my Game 6, so I combined it with 7, needed to get it all done anyways.
Game VI
Dawn of War
Random Game Length
Primary: Annihilation
Secondary: Capture and Control
Tertiary: Highest number of surviving Troops units.
Game 6 I played against CQ and his Ork army. His list looked like this:
Warboss w/ Bike, Klaw, Attack Squig, Cybork
Big Mek w/ KFF, Burna
Deff Dread w/ Extra CCWs
30*Shoota Ard' Boyz w/ PK Nob
10*Nob Bikers w/ various stuff
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
Battlewagon w/ Deff Rolla, stuff
Game VII
Pitched Battle
Random Game Length
Primary: Seize Ground (5)
Secondary: Annihilation
Tertiary: Destroy opponents most expensive unit.
So Game 7 I played against Jon and his absolutely awesome Bloodborn Renegade IG army! Of course I also was glad to have another test against Mech IG after my Game 2. His army looked like this:
Company Command Squad x5 - Plasmagun x3
- Medic
- Astropath
- Chimera
Company Command Squad x5 - Plasmagun x3
- Chimera
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad x5 - Flamer x3
- Chimera - Heavy flamer
Infantry Squad x10 - Flamer, Autocannon
- Chimera - Heavy flamer
Infantry Squad x10 - Flamer, Autocannon
- Chimera - Heavy flamer
Special Weapons Squad x6 - Meltagun x3
Infantry Platoon
Platoon Command Squad x5 - Flamer x3
- Chimera - Heavy flamer
Infantry Squad x10 - Flamer, Autocannon
- Chimera - Heavy flamer
Infantry Squad x10 - Flamer
- Chimera - Heavy flamer
Special Weapons Squad x6 - Meltagun x3
Fast Attack
Heavy Support
Hydra battery x2
Medusa x2
So overall very similar to the other list I played, but less melta. I got first turn and Jon went all reserves, so I did this on his board edge. I had to put a Dragon unit on each end because he could pick which side of the line to come in on.
He got pretty lucky on his reserve rolls, combined with his Astropath, so I scattered my vehicles. As you can see in the picture below,a couple tanks go down, including Eldrad's Serpent. I take out a Hydra and a Vendetta. You can also get a good feel for where the objectives are in this shot.
Eldrad Fortuned up and ran in to start wreckin' stuff. A theme of this battle became the fact that single characters and small units were left alive as Jon poured all his shots into my remaining armour. My tanks flew in lots of circles.
Eldrad went down to a melta shot eventually, but the Autarch w/ Fusion Gun started his solo routine. My initial move meant that Jon still is unable to take the middle of the board, where most of the objectives are.
My tanks start taking a lot of damage results, but they aren't going down. They continue to rotate between objectives, flat-outing and contesting. I end of winning the Primary when my Guardian Jetbikes wreck a Chimera with their Shuriken Cannons, then charge in and break the squad inside, giving me a 1-0 edge at the bottom of Turn 7. Great game Jon!
Tournament/Army Analysis: Overall I'd say I still see the virtue of a Battle Point Tournament format. I like to play in different kinds of tournaments, and I believe the existence of this variety is a good thing. As far as the Eldar go, I think I definitely proved to myself that they are still a viable tournament choice. I did not yield a Primary objective in any of my seven games, and that was with zero practice. However, they are probably not a BP tournament winning army, as they have a very difficult time winning big enough in that format.
It might be worth checking the Imperial guard codex for the legality of his special weapon squads.
I don't have mine on me but I am sure it says in the special weapon squad entry that 3 guardsmen must replace their flamer with.....
That was my bad in typing the list, each squad had 3 and it's been corrected.
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